Watch American Pickers And Feed Your Family

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Watch American Pickers on the History Channel and find out why so many people are excited about finding news ways to make money fast. In our harsh economic times, it’s good to know that there are individuals who are taking what others may consider junk and turning it into big bucks.

If you have been uninspired and bored to death by all of the reality TV shows, you may find American Pickers to be the most refreshing TV show in existence.?? Some people online seem to think that the two fellows on American Pickers are taking advantage of the elderly, but I don’t think that is what’s really happening, because the elderly know the game of buying and selling better then most, so in the world of selling junk anything goes.

Do you remember when eBay was first becoming popular? Was it not the antiques and collectibles, that really got eBay moving into the limelight??? American Pickers makes us realize how much fun it is to go picking through a lot of junk and possibly come out with some hot items. Over the last few years a good number of people quit selling on eBay, because of the high fees, but TV shows like American Pickers reveals that you can find buyers outside of eBay, who may even pay more!

Using the Internet to research how much certain antiques and collectibles are worth, may give you an edge in being a picker.?? Such websites as and help you get an idea of how much you can sell an item for online or off.?? The people who are professional pickers have excellent connections with other antique buyers and sellers.?? Finding junk that you can resell is nothing new, but with the right picker knowledge, you may be able to put more food on your family’s table.

It’s important to know that you will need a good size vehicle to pick up large items, money for hotel costs, money for gas costs and other expenses, but if you start out small it can be done.

Posted by Derrick Johnson on Tuesday, February 22nd, 2011. Filed under News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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